Tata Motors, a leading Indian automotive company, has announced the launch of its latest electric vehicle (EV) model, the Tata Magic Electric. This move comes as efforts to increase the use of EVs, particularly in commercial vehicles, continue to gain momentum.
The Tata Magic Electric is based on the popular Tata Magic model, which has already been sold in Nepal. The vehicle, which can seat up to 11 people including the driver, is considered a primary mode of transportation in the Terai districts.
Fitted with advanced cooling systems and an I67 rated battery, the Tata Magic Electric also boasts dust-proof driving parts. The company has also offered different battery options, ranging from 14 to 20 kWh, allowing for a single charge range of up to 140 kilometers.
In addition to its eco-friendly features, the Tata Magic Electric also boasts modern amenities such as a 7-inch TFT display and voice assist feature, as well as a reverse camera. With these features and its commercial capabilities, the Tata Magic Electric is expected to be well-received in the market.
At present, Tata Motors has not provided any official information regarding the official sales start or other technical details of the Tata Magic Electric.