Yamaha Authorized Service Center in Katmandu

Yamaha Showrooms in Kathmnadu

Last Updated on August 25, 2020 by bbajracharya

Yamaha is a Japanese automobile company that is famous for introducing new technology which always creates a buzz in the market. Similarly, Yamaha bikes are well outlined with a focus on enjoying rides and give good mileage. If you are thinking of buying a Yamaha bike and searching for the nearby showroom, then continue reading. Today we will be talking about Yamaha Authorized Service Center in Katmandu. There are 12 showrooms of Yamaha in Kathmandu. And there is a list of all the showrooms including contact number, location and email id.

List of Yamaha Authorized Service Center in Kathmandu

S.NName of the showroom Locationcontact no.Email id
1MAW Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.Tripureshwor01-4268252, 01-4261160, 9801905398info@maw.com.np
2D & D Auto Link  Pvt. Ltd.Sitapaila01-5233260, 9851006914amirmaharjan@gmail.com
3Biker Labs Pvt. Ltd.Gongabu01-4390604, 9851001275bikerlabs1@gmail.com
4Kaligandaki Auto Works Pvt. Ltd.Nayabazar01-4381855, 9841485986kaligandaki.nayabazar@gmail.com
5DND Auto Links Pvt. Ltd.Teku01-4104599, 9851006914dndyamaha@hotmail.com
6Risik Automobiles Pvt. LtdKumaripati01-5555889, 9851189820risikautomobiles@hotmail.com
7J.S. Automobiles Pvt. Ltd.Naikap01-6201159, 9849419159jony3jems@gmail.com
8Gorkha Manakamana Auto Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.Ratopul01-4417603, 9851010639manakamana09@gmail.com
9Heeru Laxmi Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.Chabahil01-4486728, 9841533946maiyasachin@gmail.com
10Bisesh Automobiles Pvt. LtdKoteshwor015199023, 9849129932biswo@biseshautomobiles.com
11Rapti Autoworks Pvt. Ltd.Maharajgunj01-4720869, 9857831422raptiautoworks@gmail.com
12Samman Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.Kantipath01-4227515, 9801349236suraj.manandhar2011@gmail.com
List of Yamaha showroom
Yamaha Authorized Service Center in Katmandu

Furthermore, MAW Enterprises is the distributor of Yamaha motorcycles in Nepal. Yamaha sells over 15 motorcycles. Yamaha has a wide range of all-range bikes consisting of commuter to a higher range of sports bikes. So, we will talk about some specifications of the available Yamaha motorcycles.

Also, Check out: Yamaha Fascino FI 125 Price in Nepal with Specifications