What to do after passing trial of driving license in Nepal?


Last Updated on May 11, 2020 by admin

Congratulations!!! you have passed the trial. It is a big achievement. Now you are legally able to drive the vehicle on the road. You may be wondering what to do after passing your trial? Well, the process is simple but you may have to wait for a little to get the actual license.

motorbike trial test

After the person announces that you have passed the trial, go to the counter. Then the person will write pass on your card and also a date. After that, you have to take the card and go to the transportation office from where you submitted your form. You should go to the office within 10 days of passing the trial.

After submitting your card to the office you will get a receipt. The receipt will have all your information and your license number as well. It will work as a license until your real license comes. So, do keep is securely and carefully.

Usually, it takes 1 month for the smart license to arrive but, it may also take more than that. So be prepared and cake good care of your receipt license.

To know if your license has been printed or not you can visit the official website of DoTM . Or check out How to check your license status online?.

If the smart license has been printed then go to the transportation office and receive your license. Be sure and do check the status of your license before roaming around the transportation office.

You might be interested in reading 3 lakh people will get a smart driving license in Nepal as soon as lockdown ends