
How to Fill Nepal Driving License Form Online

Many things are moving towards being digital. We have started to pay the bills through the internet. Also, we apply for a job or college online. Likewise, people can now fill a form for driving license online.

Here is a Step by step process of how to fill up the driving license form online.

Step 1: go to the official website of Transportation Management Nepal. There you can find an option of the “online driving license system”

Step 2: Click on that Option. You will be in page that looks some thing like this:

online license form Nepal

Step 3: Click on the “Online Driving License Registration”. After that you will see something like this

online license form Nepal

Step 4: Give your citizenship details and click on proceed. Then you will see some categories you have to fill. Please fill up all the real details in all form.

demographics detail for driving license online in nepal

Step 5: After fill up the details scroll down. You can see a section asking for which vehicle you want a license. Select the option that fits your requirement. Also, selected the zone and license office.

select category for online driving license registration in nepal

Step 6: Just below you can see a captcha. Type the give captcha and press submit.

Also,if you have Any Queries about Online Driving License in Nepal? You can ask here.

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